Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Third Day of EIR and the starting of my portfolio


1 week had just past in a blink and its the third day of my EIR lesson.

Today, I had start searching for information for my project work and the topic for my project is The Development of Aids Research. I don't really know how to start my project but I had found some of the useful information that I can use for my project and I have also look for my Cell Biology Lecturer to get more useful information such as what is Aids virus in term of the molecular structure and whether its has true nucleus or not. By the way, true nucleus mean that it has a membrane-bound nucleus.

Hmm. I think this project helps me a lot. I learnt a lot things in it. The funny thing is that there are people arguing a lot about who gave the most accurate information! That really new to me. Haha.

I should start thinking about the content of the project. The game have just started. Lets see what is going to happen next EIR lesson.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Second Day of EIR Lesson

Sorry for the late posting.

The second day of Effective Internet Research lesson is quite fun for me as I get to know the different ways to get information of what I want. For example, I can get information from the search engine websites such as Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo and also Discussion Forums such as Sgforums.com. I can get all the latest information I need for my project works and also get the latest news about the incidents around Singapore or the world. There are also other way such as through the Magazine such as Times, National Geographic or the Newsweek. And also through Television Show such as ChannelNewsAsia and if looking for science-related information National Geographic.

I managed to use what I learnt during the lesson to look for information that I needed for my Coursework and also for my general knowledge! I must say that this really helps me a lot as I can get lots more of different kind of information!

As for the practical I had during EIR, I had an imaginary $500 and buy something from the web. This are the things that I had bought which is shown above. Each of the gundam model cost about $75 so the total was about $150. And as for the cycling kits with the picture shown above and also a set of cycling clothes (which I can't get a good picture to post it.) its total was about $300. So the overall total was about $450. I want to get all this items because I had being liking model kits since secondary 3 and I had being cycling with my friends during the weekends with my Merida Road Lite 901 which I had bought last year. But I don't have the money to buy it but to imagine it. Haha.

Well. I think that's all for today.