Wednesday, February 10, 2010

At the start of this course, I was asked to create a Twitter account to use it as a communication tool for sharing my research findings with others and even as a personal diary to talk bout my day. Through this week's tutorial, I found out how much potential the Twitter can have.

Many people around the world learn valuable information from each of their individual places. But how can they learn more things outside their world? Twitter. Twitter can be a good way or is a good way for them to share information with people as far as the other side of the globe. This transform the world into a global information tool now.

Well. Actually I haven't started using Twitter for my EIR topic until the end of the lesson. But when I started using, I found that I can find valuable information or learn more things from people such as my EIR classmates who are doing on other research topic. I think hat I start enjoying it.

Comparing both Blogging and twittering, Twitter is much like small Lego pieces. Each post is small with limited words but it helps piece up the larger lego structure that is Blogspot. Through Twitter, I can be notified on what others I am following have updated and I can also post links for people who want to know more about my research topic.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

EIR Activity 8 & 9 My Dream Holiday

a. Update your blog with magical pictures of your Dream Holiday destinations
b. Which evaluation criteria did you used to evaluate the multimedia websites for your dream holiday? Why?
c. Why did you choose to go to your Dream Holiday destination.

Ever since young, I had been traveling to many different kind of places such as Paris, Switzerland, China and Taiwan. I had seen many different kind of things such as different kind of people and their living habits and all the different history about their country. When I was in Primary School, I wanted to grow up to be a pilot so that i can travel around the world to even more places that I had never been to before such as Canada, Alaska or even Cape Town. That's right! My Dream Holiday will be traveling around the world. It's very obvious right?

The picture shown above was Turkey. Turkey will be a good place if you are interested in Arts & Crafts, Night Life and Turkish Coffee. Well. Personally I was not really into their Arts & Crafts but it good to appreciated it as it portray out their culture. I was interested in their Night Life and their Turkish Coffee! I like to drink coffee even thought I don't really drink it everyday the coffee that I drink was not from Singapore because I don't like it and I don't know why. Turkey also have many History and Museums. Every time I go to a country, I love to visit their historical landmark. Last but not least, there's outdoor activities such as Diving and Mountain Climbing! If you had seen the introduction about me, you will know why I am so excited.

Next. It's Canada! I have been asking my dad to bring me there ever since I was in Secondary 1 which is 13 years old. I wish to visit that place because it have lots of beautiful scenery such as Mountains and Rivers. They look more beautifully during winter season. Yes! Winter. I love going to cold places and I don't know why. I think that I started to get bored by the one season all year round in Singapore. Well. I think I should not post anymore dream holiday that I want to go.

Well. The websites that I referred to is and

The evaluation criteria I used to evaluate these websites is Purpose, Accuracy, Coverage and Presentation and Arrangement.

Purpose - To provide readers information about the place of interests in the country. For example places for sightseeing, outdoor sport such as diving or museum tour.

Coverage - I believe the coverage of the site is quite comprehensive as it covers latest information regarding the place of interests. For example the museums, including things to do/recommendation on what should you do when you are there such as Sport, Food and Wine etc. Those recommendation could be by other people who had visited that place.

Presentation and Arrangement - I think that the presentation and arrangement of information is very good as all the information had been categorize into their different fields. For example Museum, Outdoor Sport. It make the web more simple to navigate around for the readers.

EIR Activity 7

Well. For this EIR lesson, I did not attend to because I was helping out in the school's open house. But I should be able to some of my thoughts to the question.

a. Which criteria did you use to evaluate Why did you choose this criteria? What lessons have you learnt from this activity?

Hmm. I think that I will be evaluating on Free expression of thoughts/ideas. This criteria is simple and easy as it directly related to an individuals' thoughts. You are able to give your own opinions or thoughts on a particular subject which might and might not be accepted by all. But no one was able to do anything to it. Because it's all about personal thoughts. It showcases how open the website is in allowing any form of information that may be personal to be posted and being commented on.

b. How do you feel about sharing your views via Wiki?
Well. To me, i think that Wiki itself serves as a platform for sharing and interacting with other people. It can range from student to a professor. It allows comments to be debated and sometimes, yield very rationale conclusions about the topic. I also think that by sharing views, you are stimulating new ideas and thinking which will in turn further improve on the quality of work or topic you or others are doing.

EIR Activity 6

Hey. Nice to be back here again. Today, I will be talking about invisible web which I had learnt in my EIR lesson. Here are the question given to us to talk on today's lesson.

a) Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web (Databases) than using search engines, meta0search engines or subject directories? Why?

b) Will you use the invisible web (Databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?

c) What have you learnt from your wiki experience during this practical?

And here are my answer to each particular question.

a) Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web (Databases) than using search engines, meta0search engines or subject directories? Why?

After much interaction with EBSCOhost database during the lesson, I feel that the information provided and available in these invisible web(databases) are very relevant and reliable to the topic that I am researching on. EBSCOhost database contains a vast collection of newspaper articles across the globe. Personally, I would prefer using invisible web databases as I feel that the information provided by these invisible web databases tend to have triumps over other search facilities in terms of trustworthiness as these articles had been published by other people from other places. So it means that people outside of Singapore also trust the information provided by the invisible web databases.

b) Will you use the invisible web (Databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?

Yes, I would definitely use these invisible web databases for my research in my own Diplomas which is Biotechnology. There is so much reliable information available on the articles provided which had gain many trust of other users. It also assures me that the information provided for my research topic that I browse is safe and accurate.

c) What have you learnt from your wiki experience during this practical?

I have learnt that through wikis, much more information can be shared and presented as compared to a project endeavour by an individual. Through wikis, different people with similar interest topics are able to express their thoughts and knowledge freely and openly. Through the collaborative efforts of various people on their topic of interest, the research information on the wikis are constantly edited, updated (Current). Redundant information put on wikis are deleted by people to make the research as detailed and concise as possible. This makes the research topic more interesting and engaging for viewers/readers. Not to say people who are also interested on that research topic.

EIR Activity 4 & 5

Finally, I have started on my EIR blog after MIA for so long. On EIR Activity 4 & 5, we was asked to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of Meta-Search Engine and Subject Directory.

Firstly, let me talk about the effectiveness of Meta-Search Engine. Well. An example of a Meta-Search Engine can be Mamma is quite a good search facilities to search for resources. It shows only a few links that are closely related to my research topic. Most of the links are from organization doing on that topic. One of the good things about the Mamma is that, it has some search suggestion to help me do my searching effectively. It also have recent searches just right below the search suggestion that allows me to know what are the recent search I had done using it's search facilities.

Next, I will talk about the effectiveness of Subject Directory. As we all know, the most common Subject Directory will be the Yahoo Directory. To me, i think that this search facilities is quite special as it has different kind of category shown on the main page of the web. It has categorize all the topic together to make it look simple. It is very useful as it allows me to get to my research topic much faster then other search facilities in the sense that i do not have to type in my search topic and search for it. Nonetheless, it also have search engines like all other search facilities. Most of the sources provided are also relevant to my search topic.

After I had say so much, I think I had to make a conclusion on my preferred search facilities to use and it is the Subject Directory. Because that it's overall is much simple and all the topic had been well-organized into their respective field which make it look neater.

Well. I think that's all for my today's blog.